Board Recruitment
Board Recruitment
Without effective board governance, it is very difficult to achieve sustained success in an organization or corporation. Our clients understand the importance of strong governance to ensure fiduciary compliance, leadership efficiency, and expansion or growth.
Clients engage HumanEdge when they want to recruit for critical hard-to-fill vacancies, complete large projects under tight timelines, add in-house capacity to replace expensive consulting resources and fill upcoming talent gaps due to promotions, retirements and attrition.
Building your board capacity
Whether it is a family-owned business, charity, not-for-profit organization, or private corporation – the right strategic and complimentary board member can make a significant contribution. We understand the difference highly skilled professionals or technical experts can make on an advisory board, governing board, or corporate board.
Find the best talent for your board

Our extensive network of seasoned directors possessing a variety of experiences, skill, and attributes will ensure our ability to promptly and effectively help address any board requirements with respect to diversity, inclusion, and specific expertise.