
By partnering with HumanEdge, our clients receive the level of executive search expertise typically reserved for Fortune 500 companies. We help you level the playing field, attract top tier talent and address the challenges of weaker brand awareness, less-attractive locations and high-risk change environments.

Our seasoned partners bring a team of experts to each engagement. They help you define your specific requirements, research the market, develop the strongest candidates and assist you in making your final selection. They can also help you with successfully onboarding and integrating the new leader into your organization.

Transformational change requires transformational talent.

Strong leadership is essential at all times. However certain stages in an organization’s evolution require specialized skills and a proven track record in successfully executing mission-critical change.

Our clients typically call us when they need new leadership to strengthen their executive team, expand into new markets, complete mergers and acquisitions, transform mature businesses, turn around poorly performing entities or prepare for upcoming CEO and C-suite succession.

Reach beyond borders

Today’s global economy has not just opened the borders to business, but also to the recruitment of talent. We have the in-house research and sourcing capabilities to identify and attract the best talent from across North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.


Our comprehensive approach to recruiting executives

Human Edge approach A background image

Working with ownership groups, private equity firms, boards and executives, we help assess the strengths, weaknesses and succession requirements of your current leadership team. Coupled with analysis of the capabilities needed to deliver your strategies, we help you identify critical talent gaps.

Our rigorous search methodology includes targeted market research, focused direct sourcing, extensive interviewing, psychometric testing and comprehensive reference checking. Our relentless, forthright approach to pursuing top candidates delivers the best talent to your opportunity.

Find the right partner for your search.